Planet i. in Gothenburg @ 13Festivalen
Ludic Collective greeted 2018 on a hill next to the Konstepidemin in Gothenburg, with a bottle of champagne, happy thoughts, a little bit of nostalgia, but mostly excitement and impatience for the 4th of January to come, so we could have fun and show Planet i. at 13Festivalen.
4th of January came. We were given a large white space, with a microwave, popcorn, funky stairs, large windows and many, many chairs. As always, every showcase of Planet i. is going to be very different from the one before; after we spend some days in our designated performance space, we ask ourselves "what is our research task for today? what facet of the performance to we want to explore now, in Sweden, that we haven't had the chance to do before?"
As entities of the inverted planet, this time we evolved to level 9 of recovery. Throughout the performance, we were all connected to one another; we were communicating even when we were ignoring each other.
We created circular paths in space. We expanded our territories. Our circles met other circles. The smell, sound, taste of popcorn altered our perception.
Now it's 1st of March. Our circles expanded from Konstepidemin to London, Hague, Bucharest; we are slowly, but surely planning for new ludicrous crossings. It will come naturally.

Illustration by Niklas Mansson